The C.A.T.V. is a 1901 law-type association that brings together volunteers who offer and organize events throughout the year for the benefit of tourists and Vinsobrais residents.

Sylvette André : Présidente

Henri GAGNEUX ; Logistique, lien avec les vignerons, visite du village

Francis MIR : Correspondant Internet

Ghislaine VINCIFORE : Secrétaire

Board members:

ANDRE Sylvette:President BIAGINI Francis: Assistant Treasurer and Equipment Assistant
BOURSAUX Philippe: Vice president, Artistic events and hikes
GAGNEUX Henry: Logistics, link with the winegrowers and guided tours of the village
GOMEZ Solange: Assistant Secretary
MIR Francis: Web designer
VAN GEERTRUY Dirk: Treasurer
VINCIFORE Ghislaine: Secretary

Francis BIAGINI : Trésorier adjoint et matériel

Philippe BOURSAUX Animations artistiques et randonnées

Solange GOMEZ : Secrétaire adjointe

Dirk GEERTRUY : Trésorier

The CATV committee meets every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the 2nd floor of the ‘Mairie’ of Vinsobres.

Before each major event, a meeting of all members is generally held in the village hall (Salle des Fetes) to solicit the participation of as many volunteers as possible.

Cliquez sur les mots soulignés pour en savoir plus

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Our organisations :

  • Meetings and information at the village campsite.

  • Annual exhibition of paintings and sculptures.

  • Tourist facilities: short walks, benchs …

  • Heritage enhancement: guided tour of the village ,

    The guided heritage tours of the village which focus on agriculture and village life with a visit to the Church and the Temple followed by a tasting of Vinsobres croquettes biscuit at the bakery.

    Tours lasts two hours, from 17:00 to 19:00.

    Departure and registration at the Vinsobres tourist office.

    French guide  Mr. HENRI GAGNEUX

    in English Ms. PAULA HOPTON

    in Dutch Mr. DIRK VAN GEERTRUY

  • photos,

  • maintenance of the garden at the ruins of feudal chateau…

  • maintenance of signage on local hiking trails

  • Tennis court management.

  • Crockery rental for events.

  • Our regular summer Events :

    • La Balade Gourmande” (organised guided walk in and around the village with food and wine tasting inearly june).

      “Welcome” summer evenings for tourist visitors.

      The Aioli evening (festive meal and dancing evening).

      Musical concerts.

      Operation “Let’s clean up nature” in September.

Join us !

To do this, fill in the membership form opposite and send it with your payment to CATV 8, rue Gironde 26110 VINSOBRES or drop it off in the mailbox of VINSOBRES mairie.