Members of the C.A.T.V. can join the Hiking Club for free. However, it is permitted for non members to participate, without registration, in a first outing on a trial basis. A medical certificate authorizing the walk will then be requested.
The Vinsobres Hiking Club offers 3 types of hikes:
. free hikes from Vinsobres.
These 4 hikes are free of any Club registration. To get the circuit map, just click on the underlined links below
. small Wednesday walks from Vinsobres.
for wednesday 14 february
On Wednesday we’ll be setting off via Saint Jacques towards the coast and Saint Maurice.
This walk is easy but a little long (9km5), so don’t be in a hurry, allow 2 hours 45 minutes.
For new people here is my phone number
04 75 27 63 31
06 43 08 71 91
These are easy hikes, between 5 and 7 km, around the village. The meeting point for departure is set every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., in the car park behind the town hall.

. long Wednesday hikes in the nearby region.
See previous hikes
next hike
Wednesday 14 february :
For this Wednesday, I propose a hike starting from BEAUVOISIN.
entitled: “Les Costes par le col des moulins et le col de la Croix”.
This is a medium-difficulty hike with an ascent of 380 m over 8 km and an estimated duration of 3 hours.
This hike includes a 2 km section of ridge that requires attention, although it is not dangerous.
Departure from Vinsobres at 9am.
Please bring a picnic lunch.
Hikes that take place within a radius of 30 km around Vinsobres. Club members are informed by email, every Sunday evening, of the location, the course, any difficulties of the chosen circuit.